It's a great day to be an Immanuel Knight!

Does your child have a faith that will last throughout eternity? Does your child think critically?
Does your child model empathy and kindness?
Is your child inspired to learn?
We can help.

"Even as the Son of Man 
came not to be served 
but to serve,
and to give his life 
as a ransom for many."

Matthew 20:28


Academic excellence is a goal for students at Immanuel. Every student is challenged at an appropriate level to break through barriers that might otherwise limit her/his success. Critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration support the 3 R's of reading, writing, and arithmetic to provide an education that opens doors of opportunity.

Art & Music

Music and the arts foster creativity and stir the soul in ways other classes cannot. Music require a precision unmatched in more academic classes. Both music and art inspire whole brain activity, especially the right side of the brain. They have been a large part of a balanced education for centuries. Music and art classes are required for all students. In addition, the Kindergarten - 4th Grade choir and the 5th - 8th Grade choir rotate singing every other month in church. The new Christmas concert allowed students to showcase their talents to parents and friends.

Faith Development

Faith development is an integral part of the program at Immanuel. Looking through the lens of a christian world view, students explore the beauty of God's creation, the poetry of the Psalms, and the foundation of our faith. Daily religion classes and weekly chapel reinforce the values and strengthen the faith first taught at home.


Athletics teaches teamwork, perseverance, determination, and self- control. It is an integral part of the program at Immanuel. Athletics start in fifth grade with junior varsity and varsity teams in most sports. The vast majority of students participate.

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